

नेशनल हाई स्पीड रेल कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड


Headline Date
NHSRCL Invites bids for the design and construction of Ahmedabad & Sabarmati HSR Stations along with 18 km of viaduct 08-10-2020
NHSRCL opens Technical bids for 28 Steel bridges and 88 km of viaduct between Vadodara and Ahmedabad for MAHSR corridor 25-09-2020
NHSRCL opens technical bids for one of the biggest tenders covering 47% of MAHSR alignment and 4 stations 23-09-2020
Information on employment generation from MAHSR Project 17-09-2020
Sleek, lean and cost effective transmission towers to shift Overhead Extra High Tension lines in Gujarat to make way for Mumbai Ahmedabad High Speed Rail corridor (Available in English, Hindi, Gujarati & Marathi) 18-07-2020
NHSRCL resumes various activities after Lockdown relaxations (Available in English, Hindi, Gujarati & Marathi) 26-05-2020
NHSRCL Conducts three Online Pre-Bid meetings through video conferencing including the pre-bid meetings for the contracts for construction of 14 bridges in Gujarat and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (Available in English, Hindi & Gujarati ) 11-05-2020
How ‘Make in India’ initiative is giving impetus to the High-Speed Rail project (Available in English, Hindi Marathi & Gujarati) 08-05-2020
NHSRCL supporting the #FightAgainstCorona (Available in English, Hindi & Gujarati) 30-03-2020
NHSRCL gifted sewing machines to 23 women from Chenpur and Ropda villages in Ahmedabad to enhance income generation opportunities for them. Available (Hindi & Gujarati) 06-03-2020
72 (Seventy two) NHSRCL employees receives “Japanese Language and culture learning training programme” certification 19-12-2019
Information from NHSRCL 02-12-2019
Passenger convenience is the prime focus while designing Ahmedabad HSR Station 16-09-2019
High Speed Rail Innovation Centre interacted with young minds to develop indigenous capabilities in the field of High Speed Railways 27-08-2019
26 youths from 11 villages of Kheda and Anand Districts received certificates for the Future Entrepreneur Training Programme for Project Affected Families by NHSRCL 08-08-2019
Tender related information C-6 01-08-2019
Self-sufficient in fulfilling water requirements, Green depots with state of the art maintenance equipment for Mumbai – Ahmedabad High Speed Depots 30-07-2019
Future Entrepreneur Training Programme for Project Affected Families by NHSRCL 01-07-2019
NHSRCL MD Shri Achal Khare statement on Mangroves 29-06-2019
NHSRCL forms HSR Innovation Centre Trust for developing environmentally sustainable, time & cost effective solutions using indigenous technical capabilities 29-05-2019