Out of 352 km of alignment in Gujarat and DNH, 290 km of viaduct will be constructed through full span launching (FSLM) and the remaining alignment will be majorly through segmental launching, 17 steel bridges, 8 stations, 350m long tunnel and other civil structures.
Full span girders used in viaduct construction of Bullet Train project are 40 meters in length and weighs 970 MT.
Details of full span launching girders in Gujarat & DNH:
Scope: Total no. of full span girders | No. of FSLM girders cast | No. of FSLM girders launched to make viaduct |
7277 (290 km) | 5169 (207 km) | 4651 (186 km) |
The casting yards are well planned dedicated factories equipped with Make in India machinery like straddle carriers, full span launching gantry, girder transporter, bridge gantry and full span girder casting moulds.
At present, 213 km of viaduct has been completed in Gujarat which includes both SBS (Span by Span) and FLSM launching.