

नेशनल हाई स्पीड रेल कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड

NHSRCL takes one more step towards skill development and Indo-Japan cooperation

Published Date

Thirty three (33) employees of National High Speed Rail Corporation (NHSRCL), from Project Offices in Mumbai, Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Surat & Corporate office in Delhi today received certificates from the Japan Foundation for successfully completing the Japanese Language and culture learning training programme. Last year thirty five (35) NHSRCL employees received certification for the similar training programme.
The High-Speed Rail technology is being adopted from Japanese Shinkansen train technology, hence there is a need of inter-country exchanges between the officials of two countries, which would be facilitated by proficiency in Japanese language and empathetic understanding of their culture. Similar course would continue to be organised for all the employees of NHSRCL.
NHSRCL will also give preference to job applicants who have Japanese language proficiency. The proficiency shall be evaluated based on the qualification acquired through Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N-1 to N-5. However, candidates with N-3 level of Japanese language proficiency will be required initially. The recruitments will be undertaken in next 1-2 years.
More than eighty seven (87) employees have received training in Japan in various fields like station area development, Customer centric approach etc. in addition to Shinkansen technology and in operations & maintenance.  NHSRCL employees are being trained in Japan for the right amount of exposure required for skill development and bringing in the right mind-set of safety and punctuality at all levels in the organisation. Two more batches comprising sixty (60) employees are scheduled to receive similar training this year. The training institute of NHSRCL in Vadodara has also started functioning.
As per the estimation by the Japanese, the project requires around 4,000 personnel under several categories such as locomotive drivers, guards, station staff, operation control centre staff, maintenance personnel, signal maintainers and electrical staff. There will be a big depot at Sabarmati for periodic overhaul of the trains, while a small depot at Thane will be built for weekly and monthly maintenance. Around 20,000-25,000 persons would be required for construction of the project.