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NHSRCL Conducts three Online Pre-Bid meetings through video conferencing including the pre-bid meetings for the contracts for construction of 14 bridges in Gujarat and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (Available in English, Hindi & Gujarati )

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Maintaining the pace of the Mumbai- Ahmedabad High Speed Rail project being implemented by National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited, during the lockdown period due to COVID- 19, Online Pre-bid meetings were organized today, through video conferencing for three active tenders. Main objective of these meetings was to clear doubts of potential bidders before they submit their final bidding documents.

The online pre-bid meetings received exceptional response and were attended by various construction companies, members from JICC from Japan, senior officers from NHSRCL and Chief Project Managers/NHSRCL from sites offices located in various cities in Gujarat. The prospective bidders also appreciated the efforts made by NHSRCL to clarify their queries related to the contracts through the online pre-bid meetings.

Pre-bid meetings were carried out for the following three contracts:

  1. MAHSR-P-1(B) : Construction of Bridges for Double Line High Speed Railway for 02 No. PSC Bridges (GAD 9 & 1441) and 07 No. Steel Truss Bridges (GAD 68, 1134, 12, 61, 14, 15 & 62) [excluding fabrication and transportation of steel truss girders] between Zaroli Village at Maharashtra-Gujarat Border (MAHSR Km. 156.600) and Vadodara (MAHSR Km. 393.700), in the state of Gujarat and the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli for the Project for Construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail.
  2. MAHSR-P-1(C): Construction of Bridges for Double Line High Speed Railway for 01 No. PSC Bridge (GAD 33) and 04 No. Steel Truss Bridges (GAD 28, 1967, 31 and 32) [excluding fabrication and transportation of steel truss girders] between Vadodara (MAHSR Km. 401.898) and Ahmedabad (MAHSR Km. 489.467), in the State of Gujarat for the Project for Construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail
  3. MAHSR P-4(X) and MAHSR P-4(Y): Procurement, Fabrication, Check-Assembly, Painting at Workshop(s) and Transportation to Various Bridge Sites of Steel Truss Superstructures Along with Bearings for 33 Nos. of Bridges for High Speed Rail Corridor for Crossing over Roads / Rivers / Railways / Other Structures in Two (2) Packages [MAHSR P-4(X) and MAHSR P-4(Y)] For the Project for Construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail.

Despite the lockdown, NHSRCL teams in Head Office and project site offices are working online to ensure that the project related work pertaining to Mumbai- Ahmedabad High Speed project is being carried out without any delays. Regular review meetings are also being organized to monitor the progress of the project.

NHSRCL is leveraging the technology to stay connected with its stakeholders to ensure continuous momentum in offering support in such tough times. The project related tasks like finalization of bid documents, architectural designs & drawings of structures are being finalized. The training programs related to capacity & skill building are also being organized through IT solutions.

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संलग्नी आकार
Press release Prebid Meeting-Hindi 83.89 किलोबाइट
Press release Prebid Meeting-Gujarati 100.16 किलोबाइट